Sometimes, learning a new language can be scary – especially when you’re in a different country. But with the help of our international staff and a few friendly tips, you’ll have a language life saver to keep you afloat in your courses. Academic Director Leo Duran in San Jos é put together some Spanish classroom lingo for students studying abroad in Costa Rica this fall semester, and so far, it sounds like it’s really helping out. Below you’ll find a list of phrases he translated. If your a Spanish language student, take a look! You may discover some useful information. If your not a Spanish language student, still check it out. Make a list of the English phrases and take them to your language professor to help you translate. Leo’s Spanish Life Savers 1. ¿ Cómo se dice “(English word)” en español ? = How do you say “English word” in Spanish? 2. ¿Qué significa “(Spanish word)”? = What does “Spanish word” mean? 3. ¿ Podría repetir por favor? = Could you please repeat? 4. ¿Podría escribirlo en la pizarra por favor? = Could you please write it on the board? 5. ¿Podría deletrear la palabra? = Could you please spell the word for me? 6. ¿Cómo se pronuncia esta palabra? = How do you pronounce this word? 7. ¿Podría darme un ejemplo por favor? = Could you please provide an example? 8. ¡Más despacio por favor! = More slowly please! 9. No entiendo, ¿podría por favor explicarme de nuevo? = I don’t understand. Could you please explain one more time? 10. ¿Podría repetir qué tenemos que hacer por favor? = Could you please repeat what we’re supposed to do? (When you don’t understand directions given) 11. ¿Podría por favor escribir la tarea en la pizarra? = Could you please write the homework on the board? 12. ¡Lo siento, pero sigo sin entender! = I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand!
[via CEA Study Abroad Programs]
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